Home General Awesome Breastfeeding Positions For You And Your Baby

Awesome Breastfeeding Positions For You And Your Baby

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When it comes to feeding your baby, there are so many different options. From bottle feeding to breastfeeding, each has its pros and cons. However, the right position can make all the difference in ensuring your baby gets the most nutritious feed possible.

In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about breastfeeding in the best positions for you and your baby.

What Are The Different Breastfeeding Positions? 

There are a variety of breastfeeding positions for babies that can be used to provide optimal breast milk feeding for both the mother and child. Some common breastfeeding positions include the cradle hold, football hold, and side-lying position.

Each position has its own benefits and drawbacks, so it is important to find one that works best for you and your baby. The following list provides some tips on how to choose the right breastfeeding position:

  • Try different breastfeeding positions until you find one that feels comfortable and allows you to nurse effectively.
  • Make sure that your baby is latched onto your breast correctly in order to get the most benefit from nursing. If your baby is not latched onto your breast properly, try using a nipple shield or using a different breastfeeding position altogether.
  • If you are struggling with engorgement or leaking breasts, try changing to a different feeding position or taking medication prescribed by your health care provider.

How do you choose the right position for you and your baby?

There are a variety of breastfeeding positions for babies, but it is more important to choose the right one for you and your baby. The following are some of the best breastfeeding positions for babies most mothers use that gives the best results.

  1. Sitting upright: This is the most common breastfeeding position, and it works well for both mom and baby. When sitting upright, your arms should be placed at your sides with your palms facing forward. You may want to place a pillow or folded blanket between your legs and chair to help support your back if needed. Make sure that you keep plenty of room in front of you so that you have enough space to move around if needed.
  2. Lying down: If sitting upright isn’t comfortable or convenient for some reason, try lying down instead. Lie on your back with knees bent towards your chest and feet flat on the floor (or bed). Arms should be by sides with palms facing up; make sure there’s enough space between your body and the bed/chair so that you don’t touch each other when feeding. Some moms find it helpful to prop their heads up with an arm or pillows while they feed their babies this way.
  3. Side-lying: Side-lying position is a breastfeeding position that allows you to nurse more comfortably and effectively. This is a supine (face down) position with your baby on your left side, with your arm draped over his or her body and your hand resting on the baby’s chest. You should keep your other arm extended outwards so that it can support the baby’s head and shoulders in case he or she falls asleep during nursing.
  4. Cradle hold: This is a comfortable position that helps to keep your baby close to your chest and allows you to nurse more easily. To enter the cradle hold, lie down on your back with the baby facing up. Place one arm under the baby’s armpit and the other around his waist or bottom. You can then gently pull him towards you until he’s lying flat against your chest with his head resting on your shoulder or breast. Stay in this position as long as necessary, allowing milk to flow into the baby’s feeding tube if using a bottle. If you need to get up for any reason, simply place the baby back in his bassinet or crib without disturbing nursing time.


Breastfeeding is one of the most natural and beneficial ways to feed your baby. By following these tips and breastfeeding positions, you and your baby will be well on your way to a healthy breastfeeding relationship.

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